Cataloging everything you’ve doneâ€â€ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂI’m not interested in that. I’m interested in different ways of expressing myself. If I’m lucky, it will work."
John Cale
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend (Est. 1999) is the ultimate unofficial John Cale website
John Cale setlists 2019
Paris 2019-09-23
Live at Philharmonie de Paris in Paris, France - September 23, 2019. First night of the John Cale (2019-1964): A Futurespective series. Special guest: singer Cate Le Bon
The band:
John Cale: vocals, guitar, keyboards, viola
Dustin Boyer: lead guitar, samples
Joey Maramba: bass
Deantoni Parks: drums, samples
- Frozen Warnings
- Dying On The Vine
- Guts
- Cable Hogue
- I'm Waiting For The Man
- Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
- Jack the Ripper
- Style It Takes
- Magritte
- If You Were Still Around
- Hedda Gabler
- Mary
- Rosegarden Funeral of Sores
- Ghost Story
- Paris 1919
- Villa Albani
- Ship Of Fools