John Cale
"Even if you're improvising, the fact that beforehand you know certain things will work helps you to make those improvisations successful most of the time."

John Cale

Fear Is A Man's Best Friend (Est. 1999) is the ultimate unofficial John Cale website
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend - John Cale

About this site


This site started out as an experiment on April 10, 1999. I used it as a testbed for implementing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in webpages. The complete site consisted of six pages ...


Right now this site has grown beyond my wildest dreams. Thousands of pages have been added, new sections have been developed and keeping the site up-to-date takes many hours each week.

The future

This site is never finished. It will continue to grow.

About me

I used the alias Johan Molenaar until February 14, 2002. My real name is Hans Werksman. Here is more info.


People keep sending me info, lyrics, pictures, tabs and what-have-you. There are Caleists everywhere and they are really helpful.

A BIG thank you: Ziggy Bell, Carmen Bla, Ken Clark, Gary Fox, Christoph Keller, Marek Koudelka, Lau Buur Nielsen, Sturgis Nikides, Marga Taris, and Isabel Vogt.

Thank you: Marty Baggen, Timothy Bradstock, Dustin Boyer, Jan Broos, Vincent Cariven, Laurie Chadwick, Cormac, Joe Cullen, Ed Ezergailis, Michael Flaherty, Daniel Gackle, Peter Gorgeous, Pierre-Julien Grizel, Tóth Gyuszkó, Tom Hanes, Bill Haney, Andrew Heermans, Robert Inverarity, Bill Kristy, Andreas Klein, Oliver Knappstein, Daniil Koltsov, Karen Langley, Oliver Landemaine, Malcolm Lawrence, Lino, Danny Lloyd, Ducky the Loon, David Mácha, Gerd Meyer, Margaret Moser (RIP), Rob Mulligan, Nolan, Sturgis Nikides (RIP), Onki Pedersen, Martin Polák, Kjell-Tore Sandersen, Burkhard Schleser, Claudia Schmölders, Henning Sigge, Martijn Soenen, Gary Spencer, Einar Stenseng, Henk Stolker, Bert Timmermans, Fred Verveer, Nigel Walkey, Bjorn Waller, Dan Whitworth, Gaal Yahas

Check out the books section for the printed sources for this site.

Magazines and newpapers: Deventer Dagblad, The Guardian, Heaven Magazine, Les Inrockuptibles, Mojo, Musician, New York Times, NME, NRC, Oor, Het Parool, Q, Rolling Stone, Uncut, Vox, The Wire...

» Fresh Cale

Paris 1919 Order the remastered and expanded Paris 1919 album (2LP, CD) via Domino Records
The Academy in Peril Order the remastered and expanded The Academy in Peril album (LP, CD) via Domino Records

» Praise for the Fear site...

"the ultimate John Cale resource"
Tim Mitchell, author of Sedition and Alchemy - A Biography of John Cale
"Excellent Fan Site"
Auntie Beeb

© 1999-2025 Hans Werksman