Q. Was Lou Reed the coolest guy in the Velvets?
A. No.
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend (Est. 1999) is the ultimate unofficial John Cale website
John Cale setlists 1997
New York 1997-03-26
Live at The Knitting Factory, New York, USA - March 27, 1997. Second night of a three shows run.
John Cale - vocals, viola, keyboards, guitars
Lance Doss - guitar
William Donohue - keyboards
John Abbey - bass
Phil Cimino - drums
- Memphis
- Helen Of Troy
- Evidence
- Dr. Mudd
- Secret Corrida
- All I Want Is You
- So Much For Love
- Dying On The Vine
- Guts
- Some Friends
- Entre Nous
- Crazy Egypt
- Fear Is A Man's Best Friend
- Set Me Free
- Dancing Undercover
- Model Beirut Recital
- Magazines
- Leaving It Up To You
- Cable Hogue
- Dirty Ass Rock 'n' Roll
- Pablo Picasso