"Even if you're improvising, the fact that beforehand you know certain things will work helps you to make those improvisations successful most of the time."
John Cale
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend (Est. 1999) is the ultimate unofficial John Cale website
John Cale setlists 1992
Munich 1992-09-06
Live at the Art Project, Munich, Germany - September 6, 1992. This show is the source for the John Cale & Strings bootleg.
John Cale: Steinway, vocals
B.J. Cole: pedal steel guitar
Tiye Giraud: vocal
Ron Lawrence: viola
Bob Neuwirth: harm
Laura Seaton: violin
David Soldier: violin
Jason White: vocal
Mary Wooten: vocal
- Broken Hearts
- Paris 1919
- Heartbreak Hotel
- Cordoba
- Dying On The Vine
- Fear Is A Man's Best Friend
- Life Under Water
- Hallelujah