John Cale
"Even if you're improvising, the fact that beforehand you know certain things will work helps you to make those improvisations successful most of the time."

John Cale

Fear Is A Man's Best Friend (Est. 1999) is the ultimate unofficial John Cale website
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend

John Cale Tabs

Sister Ray


* all strings downtuned a whole-tone

 1d ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from e to d)
 2A ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from B to A)
 3F ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from G to F)
 4C ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from D to C)
 5G ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from A to G)
 6D ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from E to D)

intro   {A}{A/G.D}{A}{A/G.D}

        {A}{A/G.D}{A}{A/G.D}    (Duck and Sally inside ...)
        {A}{A/G.D}{A}{A/G.D}    (Who's staring at Miss Rayon ...)
        {A}{A/G.D}{A}{A/G.D}    (I'm searching for my mainline ...)
        {A}{A/G.D}{A}{A/G.D}    (I said I couldn't hit it ...)

guitar  {A}{A/G.D}{A}{A/G.D}


ending  {A}{A}{A}{A}


* chords for standard-tuning

intro   {G}{G/F.C}{G}{G/F.C}

        {G}{G/F.C}{G}{G/F.C}    (Duck and Sally inside ...)
        {G}{G/F.C}{G}{G/F.C}    (Who's staring at Miss Rayon ...)
        {G}{G/F.C}{G}{G/F.C}    (I'm searching for my mainline ...)
        {G}{G/F.C}{G}{G/F.C}    (I said I couldn't hit it ...)

guitar  {G}{G/F.C}{G}{G/F.C}


ending  {G}{G}{G}{G}

© 1999-2025 Hans Werksman