"Cale was clearly nuts, but it made a change to be working with somebody who had energy and who was both gifted and dedicated to his profession."
James Young
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend (Est. 1999) is the ultimate unofficial John Cale website
John Cale setlists 1998
Albuquerque 1998-07-21
Live with The Creatures at The Glass House, Albuquerque, USA - July 21, 1998.
- Lament
- Riverbank
- Fear Is Man's Best Friend
- Magazines
- Hedda Gabler (Siouxsie joins. JC leaves the stage)
- Disconnected
- 2nd Floor
- Take Mine
- Tattoo
- Venus Sands
- Miss The Girl (JC back on stage)
- Murdering Mouth (Siouxsie leaves the stage)
- Evidence
- Model Beirut Recital
- Heartbreak Hotel
- Gun (Siouxsie joins. JC leaves the stage)
- Thumb
- But Not Them
- Prettiest Thing
- It Was Me
- Exterminating Angel
- E: Venus In Furs (JC on stage for the encores)