"Even if you're improvising, the fact that beforehand you know certain things will work helps you to make those improvisations successful most of the time."
John Cale
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend (Est. 1999) is the ultimate unofficial John Cale website
John Cale setlists 1979
New York 1979-10-20
Live at the Squat Theatre, New York, NY, USA - October 20, 1979.
Note: Cold Comfort Farm could be an early version of Cold Country Comfort, part of the unreleased song cycle The Nine Lives Of Gordon Liddy, performed live May 24 - 25, 1980, at the Squat Theatre, New York.
- Intro
- Paris 1919
- Cold Comfort Farm
- Buffalo Ballet
- Streets Of Laredo
- Chinese Envoy
- Thoughtless Kind
- Chinese Envoy
- Hedda Gabler
- Only Time Will Tell
- Heartbreak Hotel
- Memphis
- Cable Hogue
- Pablo Picasso