John Cale
"See, the beauty of Cale in the beginning was that he really didn’t know very much about rock. In fact, he knew next to nothing. So, if you turned him loose on an instrument he wasn’t able to play any kind of cliched anything because he didn’t know any of the cliches. It was all original."

Sterling Morrison

Fear Is A Man's Best Friend (Est. 1999) is the ultimate unofficial John Cale website
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend

John Cale Tabs

E Is Missing

Tabbed by: Ziggy Bell <>

John Cale
Album: 5 Tracks (2003)
Key: D major
Intro. in D

E is missing,
He's not in his room
Rome is no longer behind him.

The gris-gris heard there was water on Mars
And he's on his way to fix it,
llllBb                        D
His fingernails are missing, one through ten
llllllllllllGm               D
And there's ink all over the place.


Nowhere....was not here,
G              D
Nowhere's not there,
Em7        Gm  D
Nowhere is nowhere.

llllA7                    D
His soul's in the corner very uptight,
lllllA7                  D
It's ugly, but it's not meant to be,
lllA7                  D
A derelict lighthouse signalling men
lllG                     D
In shipwrecks under the ocean.

D                     D
Secret bruises from a writing machine
lllG                    D
Dismantled in a winter landscape,
lllllBb                       D
His fingernails are missing, one through ten
llllllllllllGm               D
And there's ink all over the place.


Nowhere....was not here,
G              D
Nowhere's not there,
Em7        Gm  D
Nowhere is nowhere.

Ad Lib. Instrumental in D

Chorus (x2)

© 1999-2025 Hans Werksman