Was Doug Yule a more conventional player than John Cale? Yes, but even Jimi Hendrix was a more conventional player than Cale - pick anyone in rock music - who wasn’t a more conventional player than Cale."
Jonathan Richman
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend (Est. 1999) is the ultimate unofficial John Cale website
New York in the 60s
Jack Smith - Les Evening Gowns Damnées: 56 Ludlow Street 1962-1964 Volume I
About this album
Released in 1997. Table of the Elements. TOE-CD-46
John Cale and Tony Conrad perform on the track Cold Starry Nights. Also included on the New York in the 1960s box set.
- Earthquake Orgy
- Love Is Strange
- Jack Smith reads from "The Great Moldy Triumph" on his 31st birthday
- Cold Starry Nights
- Tales of Francine
- The Second Dance of the Harem Mongos
- Les Evening Gowns Damnées