John Cale
"Cale's incredible. Everybody knows that."

Lou Reed

Fear Is A Man's Best Friend (Est. 1999) is the ultimate unofficial John Cale website
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend - John Cale

Live reviews

Dancing Undercover
Over Her Head
Frozen Warnings
Chinese Envoy
Venus In Furs
Ship of Fools
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend
Look Horizon
Set me Free
E is Missing
Paris 1919
Leaving it up to You
Cable Hogue
Close Watch

Krefeld 2003-11-27

Kulturfabrik, Krefeld, Germany
Review by Marga Taris

Quite an improbable place for a gig I thought. The sort of town I usually try to avoid, with its endless, linear, parallel streets. Computer game designs spring to mind. But the Kulturfabrik is - like Kantine - a nice venue with a kind staff that easily might have succeeded in making one forget the outside world... if it weren't for the cold temperature. :) It was a seated event which was a novelty for me. It sure is funny to watch people just bopping their heads and no more than that because of spacial restrictions.

During the soundcheck JC played a song, supposedly baptised "Ready for War", which the band hadn't ever heard before... and neither had I. According to Deantoni it should surface on _a_ live cd. ??? Anybody familiar with the song? (it's Mercenaries - HW)

Unfortunately this one wasn't performed during the actual show, instead we were treated to an astonishing laidback version of Gun early on in the set. No 'shrieking' guitars involved, so it took a while before people recognized it. Venus In Furs was almost in tune! and as nasty as always. I love the song. It's an assault to all the senses.

Shivers creeping down the spine during Andalucia, and not caused by the cold this time! It must be my favourite song of the set. It received a warm reception by the audience, as did Ship of Fools and another terrific version of Fear with all the appropriate hysterical screaming.

E is Missing is always introduced with the simple comment: 'Ezra Pound'. Although I know it has nothing to do with the song I seriously considered to give JC the book "A Void", which is an amazing novel by George Perec containing not one single letter 'E' ! I failed to find a bookstore that had anything in their collection by this author though, let alone in English. Leaving It Up To You: I'm growing more and more fond of this one for it is haunting, especially tonight, when the possessed "STOOOOOOOP"s at the end were utterly convincing!

In short: a fantastic concert with an attentive audience, a fabulous floodlightshow ... haha, and very few soundproblems.

John seemed almost happy. He even blew the audience a kiss when he left.

b.t.w. interesting to notice how by now the crew has adopted a special language to communicate: in Cale-lyrics.

» Fresh Cale

Paris 1919 Order the remastered and expanded Paris 1919 album (2LP, CD) via Domino Records
The Academy in Peril Order the remastered and expanded The Academy in Peril album (LP, CD) via Domino Records

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