John Cale
"I have a well-honed sense of what makes me uncomfortable."

John Cale

Fear Is A Man's Best Friend (Est. 1999) is the ultimate unofficial John Cale website
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend - John Cale


American Psycho

American Psycho

About this album

Released in 2000. Koch Records KOC-CD-8164


  1. Monoloque 1
  2. Monoloque 2
American Psycho score

Based on the novel by Bret Easton Ellis about a yuppie going berserk. After a lot of hassle - the producers wanted the publishing rights and Cale was not having that - only two short pieces (38 and 30 seconds) made it to the soundtrack. Needless to say that these are hard to listen to, because the voice by Christian Bale, the actor playing the lead, is all over them. The DVD extras of the movie however has the complete score. A promo copy of the full score exists. The full score can be downloaded from the Internet Archive.


  1. American Psycho (3:20)
  2. The Ritual (2:23)
  3. The Alley (0:49)
  4. The Vagrant - The Beauty Shop (1:35)
  5. Packing For Paul (1:00)
  6. The Answering Machine (0:12)
  7. The Hooker (0:29)
  8. The Coathanger (0:18)
  9. The Men's Room (1:00)
  10. The Office (0:44)
  11. The Date (1:31)
  12. The Restaurant (0:29)
  13. The Second Time (0:54)
  14. The Bloodbath - The Chainsaw (1:24)
  15. The Stray Cat (0:50)
  16. The Police (0:56)
  17. The Wrong Building (1:04)
  18. The Confession (0:51)
  19. The Next Day (1:07)
  20. The Redecorated Apartment (0:24)
  21. The Desk (1:18)
  22. The Day Planer (0:53)
  23. The End (1:14)
  24. American Psycho (reprise) (2:46)

Writer/Director Mary Harron on Cale's score:

"Cale was going for a soulful, even melancholy sound to compliment the soundtrack’s poppy brightness (...) at times had to write the soundtrack playing in Bateman’s head. John had to write in a more Hollywood style to match Bateman’s surreal, overblown shootout scene. In a way, Bateman is living his own movie, especially towards the end. We needed a score to mirror Bateman living out his fantasy."

» Fresh Cale

Paris 1919 Order the remastered and expanded Paris 1919 album (2LP, CD) via Domino Records
The Academy in Peril Order the remastered and expanded The Academy in Peril album (LP, CD) via Domino Records

» Producer: John Cale

» Viola etc.: John Cale

© 1999-2025 Hans Werksman